Sunday, January 31, 2016

Red-Bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpeckers are common in forests of the East. Their striking coloring makes them an unforgettable sight.  They are often mistaken for the red-headed woodpecker, a somewhat rarer species that's mostly black on the back with big white wing patches.   

Click on Image to Enlarge
Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Weathering the Blizzard of 2016

Activity during the blizzard of 2016 was busy. Many birds came for fuel and to stay warm. 

Click on Image to Enlarge

All pictures are copyright Amy Beste 2016

Holding on through gusty winds. Junco

Weathering thundersnow and high winds,
you can't see the mohawk on this tufted titmouse.

House Finch looking unhappy.

Male & female finches

Tufted Titmouse

Tufted titmouse.

Finch pair

Family of finches

Family of finches

Holding on as the snow comes down sideways.

Male Cardinal

Male Cardinal waiting for a spot to
open on the feeder.

Well fed Junco

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Winter's Whitewash

Winter can be beautiful when whitewashed in snow.   
Scrubby hedgerows and leafless trees come alive. 
Today the mid-Atlantic area sits waiting for the Blizzard of 2016.
The canvas awaits it's glory.   

Click on image to enlarge

In the woods

The Scrubby Hedgerow

Along a highway - don't blink- you'll miss it 

                                                                  All pictures are Copyright Amy Beste 2014

Monday, January 18, 2016

Hawk with Character

Once in a great while I will stumble upon a creature that seems to be as curious of me as I am of it. This beautiful hawk allowed me to step close, slowly and one step at a time. I never wish to harass or scare any creature so I gave it plenty of opportunity to take flight. Here is a collection of pictures from our interesting encounter. 

Click Image to Enlarge

A graceful exit
Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Hawk riding an Eagle
Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Mugging for the camera
Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Watchful but unafraid
Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Screaming Eagles

Screaming Eagles

In the winter, eagles will frequent the Susquehanna River in large numbers.  I travel to the river often to get a glimpse. The numbers have dwindled a bit even though the winter has been mild so far. 

The pictures show an adult bald eagle and in some, a "sub-adult" meaning it is a juvenile that is coming into it's adult white head and tail feathers. This sub-adult was extremely aggressive this day.  The adult eagle can be seen screaming it's displeasure when the sub-adult would not relent from trying to steal the fish just snatched from the water. 

At one point, the sub-adult had it's talons around the neck of the adult bald eagle. It was intense to watch. Eventually, the adult flew off to another branch a few trees away, but again the sub-adult pursued. This happened three times before they flew out of sight. It seems odd to me that the energy expended to "steal" a fish is so much more than simply plucking a fish from the water themselves.  Nature is curious.  

Click on Image to Enlarge

Screaming Eagle.

Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Master of all surveyed.

Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Adult Eagle just arrived with a fresh fish plucked from the river.
Sub-adult is interested in stealing it.
Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Adult is protecting the catch.
Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Sub-adult is being more aggressive, using intimidation.
Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Getting ready to pounce, the adult is on full alert.
Copyright Amy Beste 2016

The sub-adult makes it's move, the adult screams voicing displeasure.
Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Adult screams in while sub-adult uses his talons.
Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Adult holds on to the catch and prepares for escape.
Copyright Amy Beste 2016

The adult is the victor and soon after voicing a battle cry, flies off to another tree
only to re-enact the first scenario all over again.
Copyright Amy Beste 2016

Saturday, January 16, 2016


There are a number of different hawks that live among the battlefields of Gettysburg. This one must be very used to people as normally as soon as I get out of my car to take a picture, the hawk will fly off. This one would sit for long periods of time.    

Click to Enlarge

Copyright Amy Beste 2015-16

Copyright Amy Beste 2015-16

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

National Bird Day - January 5, 2016


A few lesser known backyard birds.  

The house finch is different than a "purple" finch ... and in this case, quite a "poser".  He seemed to be just as curious of me as I was of him. 

House Finch
Copyright Amy Beste 2016

House Finch (not afraid of his shadow)
Copyright Amy Beste 2016

House Finch
Copyright Amy Beste 2016

The Black-capped Chickadee is very similar to a Carolina Chickadee.
Black-capped Chickadee
Copyright Amy Beste 2016
 One of the most familiar North American sparrows. 
Song Sparrow
Copyright Amy Beste 2016