Monday, June 27, 2016

A Message

When I began this blog it was a place for me to share my photos for anyone interested in seeing the world through my eyes. 

I never dreamed, not even in my wildest most fanciful dreams, that it would lead to invitations to display my photos in various mediums and sell them on various e-commerce sites.  To put myself "out there" is not easy for me. Friends are kind and while I care what they say, I often wonder if they embellish their enthusiasm. But the real test is to have a stranger, someone not worried about my feelings, rate my work. To actually BUY something of mine. Now THAT is the ultimate test - right?  

I don't ask anyone to buy my work. It makes me uncomfortable. I just hope you enjoy it and share that you like it. The fact that people ask to buy my pictures actually gives me such anxiety that I overthink the process. So when I can, I let the professionals take care of it through the e-stores now.  I have two sites where I sell my art - one for art prints (framed, unframed, canvas, etc) and as of yesterday an apparel line.  If nothing else, I am having fun being creative.  

Wish me luck ... and as always, THANK YOU for following my blog. 


To view my new apparel site- here's the link
To view my art prints site - here's the link

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